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Information for Current Students

Online Learning Environment

The Department currently uses the university-wide Sakai installation at as the core learning management system for all its courses.

Academic Dishonesty

The Departmental Policy on Academic Dishonesty for Computer Program Submissions is strictly enforced at all levels.


There are four student advisors available for consultation about undergraduate curricula:

  • Aslam Safla
  • Josiah Chavula
  • Prof. Hussein Suleman
  • Prof. Sonia Berman (Senior Student Advisor for CS and Statistics)

Undergraduate Computer Science students may also email with general queries or to book an appointment.

Information for New and Returning Postgraduate Students

Student Advisor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. How do I see a student advisor?

A.  Either arrive at the student advisor's office during an "open door" time  or email to make an appointment.

Q. Why was the student advisor not in his/her office?

A.  Student advisors are academics who have many other duties in teaching, research and administration. Though they try to be in their offices during posted "open door" times, other important tasks may crop up.  So, if you urgently need to see a student advisor, email them to make an appointment.

Q. Why was I not told that I require more credits/a senior course/a Science Course in order to qualify for graduation this year?

A. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that he/she meets the requirements for graduation.  Student advisors will try to give the best possible advice and guidance, but it remains the student's responsibility to understand the rules for her/his degree and to ensure that he/she complies with them.

Q. How do I switch from my current faculty (e.g. Engineering)  to the Science Faculty?

A. To transfer to the Science Faculty, you need to submit a motivation and a change of curriculum form to the Science Faculty.

The Science Faculty Admissions committee will consider these applications once the November exam results are available.  You are  advised to write your  exams and to get the best possible marks, particularly in any Science subjects you may be registered for.

If there is a chance that you may be excluded from your current faculty, you should follow the Readmission Appeal (RAC) procedure.  In this application, you may indicate that your first choice is to be considered for admission by the Science Faculty.

Note that you will not necessarily get credits for any non-Science courses that you have done.  The Science faculty will determine which credits you will get if you are accepted.  You can consult a student advisor in the Science Faculty for some indication on which courses we give credit for.

last modified 2020-09-29 04:07