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Academic Staff

Sonia Berman
BSc Rhodes, MSc PhD UCT
Associate Professor, Senior student advisor, CS2 convenor

Office: Room 310, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2668
Email: sonia at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Databases (more details...).
Teaching: Databases, algorithms.

Edwin Blake
BSc (Hons) Wits, PhD London
Emeritus Professor

edwin at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

information technology for development, user experience in games and virtual reality, (more details...).
Prof Blake is no longer taking on new research students.
Josiah Chavula
BSc - University of Malawi; MSc - Lancaster University, PhD - University of Cape Town

Email: jchavula at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Network Systems, Internet Measurements, Software Defined Networking, ICT4D, Net4D
Teaching: Computer Networking, Computer Architecture
Melissa Densmore
PhD University of California, Berkeley
Senior Lecturer, Masters in IT convenor

Email: mdensmore @ cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: ICTD, HCI, Health Informatics, Mobile Health (more details...)

Brian DeRenzi
PhD University of Washington
Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Email: bderenzi at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: ICT4D, ict4chw, Mobile Health, Supervisory systems, Behaviour change, Data quality, Community empowerment

James Gain
MSc Rhodes, PhD Cantab
Deputy Dean, Professor

Office: Room 315, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 4058
Email: jgain at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Computer graphics, virtual reality (more details...).
Teaching: Computer games.

Andrew Hutchison
MSc UCT, PhD Zurich
Adjunct Professor

Email: andrew dot hutchison at t-systems dot com

Research: Computer network security (more details...).
Teaching: Network security.

David Johnson

BEng UCT, MEng University of Pretoria, MSC PhD University of California, Santa Barbara
Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Email: djohnson at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Office: Room 315, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 4058
Email: djohnson at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Networks, Communications

Matt Jones

Honorary Professor
(not based at UCT - DO NOT CONTACT about research supervision)

Email: mattjonez at gmail dot com

Research: Human-Computer Interaction, Information Retrieval, World Wide Web

Maria_Keet Maria Keet
BSc (Hons) OU UK, MSc WUR, MA Limerick, PhD Bozen-Bolzano
Associate Professor, on sabbatical Jan-Oct 2018

Office: Room 314.1, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2667
Email: mkeet at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Logic-based knowledge representation, ontology development, biological data characteristics and granularity

Pieter Kritzinger
MSc (Eng) Wits, PhD Waterloo
Emeritus Professor

Email: psk at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Computer networks, network modelling, software engineering (more details...).

Michelle Kuttel
M.Sc. Ph.D UCT
Associate Professor, Honours convenor

Office: Room 304.2 Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 5107
Email: mkuttel at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Computational science, simulation, visualization, high performance and parallel computing (more details...).
Teaching: Algorithms, introduction to computer science, parallel computing, design.

Ken MacGregor (late)
BSc Strathclyde, MSc PhD Glasgow
Emeritus Professor


Research: Mobile computing, telecommunications (more details...).

Patrick Marais
MSc UCT, PhD Oxon
Associate Professor, CS3 convenor

Office: 309 Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 4086
Email: patrick at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: computer graphics and visualisation, GPGPU algorithms for simulation and computer vision/image processing (more details...).
Teaching: 2D/3D graphics, image processing/computer vision.

Thomas Meyer
MSc RAU/University of Johannesburg, PhD University of South Africa
UCT-CSIR Chair in Artificial Intelligence, Professor, Postgraduate convenor

Office: 312 Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 5519
Email: tmeyer at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Logic based Ontologies).
Teaching: Logics for Artificial Intelligence (LAI)

Deshen Moodley
MSc University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, PhD University of KwaZulu-Natal
Associate Professor, Student advisor, CSC3020/CSC3022 convenor

Office: 306.1 Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2663
Email: deshen at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Adaptive and Cognitive Systems, Machine Learning (more details...).
Teaching: -

Geoff Nitschke
BSc (Hons) Curtin, PhD VU Amsterdam
Senior Lecturer, CSC1017/CSC2003 convenor

Office: Room 308, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 3981
Email: gnitschke at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Neural Networks, Neuro-Evolution, Artificial Life, Evolutionary and Swarm Robotics, and Collective Behaviour / Swarm Intelligence.
Teaching: Evolutionary Computation, Agents and Gaming.

Yvonne Rogers

Honorary Professor
(not based at UCT - DO NOT CONTACT about research supervision)

Email: at ucl dot ac dot uk

Research: Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous computing and CSCW

Aslam Safla

BSc(Hons) (Natal), MSc (UKZN)
Lecturer, Student advisor, CS1 Convenor

Office: Room 307, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2664
Email: aslam at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Teaching: Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming in Python, Object Orientated Programming in Java

Rob Simmonds

PhD, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK

Office: Room 317.2, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 5108
Email: simmonds at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Parallel and distributed Computing

Gary Stewart
BSc (Hons) UCT
Senior Lecturer, EDP convenor (CSC1010H and CSC1011H)

Office: Room 304.3, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2665
Email: gstewart at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Research: Usability, cultural heritage.
Teaching: Introduction to computer science (GEPS).

Hussein Suleman
Head of Department, Associate Professor, CSC2005Z convenor

Office: Room 317.3, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 5106
Email: hussein at cs dot uct dot ac dot za
Personal Website:
Research Website:

Research: Digital libraries, ICT4D, information retrieval, high performance computing (more details...).
Teaching: Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming in Python; Computer Architecture; ICT4D; Information retrieval

Technical and Support Staff

Craig Balfour
BSocSci Cape Town, BA (SS) Hons UNISA
Systems Administrator (Unix)

Office: Room 305, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 3583

Samuel Chetty
Systems and Services Administrator

Office: Room 314, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 4749
Email: schetty @ cs dot uct dot ac dot za
Stephan Jamieson
Senior Scientific Officer

Office: Room 306, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 1296
Email: sjamieson @ cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Jivashi Nagar
Senior Teaching Assistant

Office: Room 300, Computer Science Building
Email: NGRJIV001 @ myuct dot ac dot za

Administrative Staff

Phelisa Bikani
Administrative Assistant

Office: Room 317, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 4343
Email: Phelisa dot bikani at uct dot ac dot za

Jenine Christians
Senior Secretary

Office: Room 317, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2662
Email: Jenine dot Christians at uct dot ac dot za

Thelma Jenneker

Administrative Officer

Office: Room 317.4, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 4342
Email: tjenneker at cs dot uct dot ac dot za
Bernie Sam Bernie Sam
Departmental Assistant

Office: Room 317, Computer Science Building
Telephone: +27 21 650 2663
Email: bsam at cs dot uct dot ac dot za

Post-Doctoral Researchers

Hafeni Mthoko
Office: Room 3A, Centre in ICT4D, Computer Science Building

Email:hafenimthoko at gmail dot com

A list of staff alumni is also available.

last modified 2020-11-18 11:08