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Two newly B-rated professors in the CS department

The National Research Foundation (NRF) periodically rates researchers according to their system, which takes recent research output that is assessed by international reviewers to estimate a researcher’s standing in their scientific discipline, which may be young (Y) or prestigious (P), or established (C), internationally acclaimed (B), or leading internationally (A). It is with great pleasure that we can announce two new B-rated researchers in our department: Professor James Gain received a rating of B2 and Associate Professor Hussein Suleman received a rating of B3, both having improved their rating from C1 previously. Also, Associate Professor Deshen Moodley got rated for the first time and received a C2.

Congratulations on your achievements!

Congratulations on your achievements!
James Gain,
James Gain
Hussein Suleman
Hussein Suleman
 Deshen Moodley
Deshen Moodley

South Africa has only 2 A-rated and now 9 B-rated computer scientists, of which 4 in CS@UCT, noting that A/Prof Suleman is the most highly rated academic in information management and Prof Gain the most highly rated academic in graphics in the country.
last modified 2018-12-12 14:45