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Vacancy for Lecturer/Senior Lecturer

The Department of Computer Science seeks to fill a permanent academic position at Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level. Our BSc Honours degree is accredited by the British Computer Society and we have a large cohort of MSc and PhD students. The Department hosts the UCT Centre in ICT for Development and also specialises in visual computing, high-performance computing, digital libraries and artificial intelligence.

A minimum requirement is a PhD degree in Computer Science or a relevant area, but exceptional candidates with an MSc degree will be considered at Lecturer level. Candidates without a PhD will be expected to register for a PhD. Applicants should provide clear information about their research and teaching experience. At the Senior Lecturer level, the candidate will be expected to have demonstrated expertise in research and teaching.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop and teach Computer Science courses, to carry out research, to contribute to departmental administration and to supervise postgraduate students.

The annual remuneration packages for 2019, including benefits, are as follows:

Lecturer: R683 358

Senior Lecturer: R834 707

An allowance for scarce skills will be offered.

To apply, please e-mail the following documents in a single pdf file, clearly indicating the level you are applying for, to Ms Tracy Moore at

Please ensure the title and reference number are indicated in the subject line.

An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete.

Telephone: 021 650 5405


Reference number: E19134

Closing date: 06 March 2019

UCT is committed to the pursuit of excellence, diversity and redress achieving its equity targets. Our Employment Equity Policy is available at UCT reserves the right not to appoint.

last modified 2019-02-14 17:59