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CS in Research Report 2009 Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-08-31 16:53
Global Game Jam 2010 Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-02-13 15:49
2010_ggj1.jpg Hussein Suleman Image 2010-02-13 14:08
2010_ggj2.jpg Hussein Suleman Image 2010-02-13 15:46
shikoh-300x278.jpg Hussein Suleman Image 2010-04-23 18:39
Shikoh Gitau awarded Anita Borg Scholarship Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-04-23 18:43
PGU.jpg Hussein Suleman Image 2010-04-26 15:33
Graphic units hold key to new wave of supercomputers Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-04-26 15:48
Comp_Outreach.jpg Hussein Suleman Image 2010-04-26 15:36
New algorithm society sets bar high Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-04-26 15:48
UCT Algorithm Circle awarded Google CS4HS Grant Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-06-28 03:34
certificate_ceremony.jpg Hussein Suleman Image 2010-07-29 13:59
Salegga Valley awarded National Certificate in Management Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-07-29 14:10
Dr Anne Kayem joins CS Department Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-08-02 16:58
Prof. Judith Bishop is first Honorary Professor in CS at UCT Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-08-02 17:01
Wanted: Tutors for 2011 Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-10-30 03:33
Cryptography book by Dr Kayem published by Springer Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-10-30 03:53
Marco Gallotta Hussein Suleman Image 2009-08-06 16:42
Marco Gallotta nominated for CSSA ICT Personality of the Year Hussein Suleman News Item 2010-11-10 14:09
Open Evening 2010 Hussein Suleman Event 2010-11-10 14:14