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Prof. Judith Bishop is first Honorary Professor in CS at UCT


Prof. Judith Bishop is Director of Computer Science in External Research at Microsoft Research in Redmond USA, where her role is to create links between Microsoft Research and universities globally. She is also responsible for their sponsorship of education conferences such as the ACM SIGCSE conference.  Judith has been lecturing since 1978, and was Professor of Computer Science at the University of the Witwatersrand and University of Pretoria.  She has been a leading figure in Computer Science research in South Africa and internationally for many years.  She has received over a dozen special awards, including the IFIP Outstanding Service Award, IFIP Silver Core Award, and the Department of Science and Technology’s Distinguished Woman in Science award. Judith has over 90 publications including 15 monographs, with books available in six languages.  She currently referees papers for over 20 journals, serves on 3 international editorial boards and 10 international programme committees. Earlier this year she co-chaired ICSE 2010 in Cape Town,  bringing this major international conference to Africa for the first time.  Her contributions to teaching include biennial IFIP African Summer Schools she has run in Cape Town since 2002; the PhD students she supervised include two who became Heads of Department at local Universities.

We are very pleased to have Prof. Bishop as part of the department, and we are sure that she will significantly enhance the teaching, research and international profile of UCT and the Computer Science Department. 
last modified 2010-08-02 17:01