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Wanted: Tutors for 2011

Interested in tutoring in Computer Science next year? If so, sign up now!

  1. Obtain an Application Form from Computer Science Reception; and
  2. Return the completed Application Form and a short CV to Computer Science Reception before Friday 6th November 2010.

Who is eligible?

Students who meet the following criteria:

  • have successfully completed CS2 or higher CS courses.
  • will be doing CS2 in 2010, but only if
    • they have obtained at least 70% in CS1
    • they have completed CSC1010H and CSC1011H, and wish to tutor these courses.

Tutor training

A workshop on successful tutoring will be run early next year. The training is valuable not only for tutoring purposes but also for facilitating group work in any environment. This is very important in industry - add it to your CV and hone your skills in 2011.

Appointment as tutor

Provisional offers of appointment will be sent to successful applicants in December. If you have had no reply by the end of December, email to check on your application status. Appointments will be finalised after tutor training has been completed.

Expected rates of pay

The rate of pay will depend on funding from the Science Faculty; to be confirmed later. Total time per week is four hours.

last modified 2010-10-13 14:55