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Older Publications (prior to 2003)



Marsden, G. and Jones, M. (2002). “Ubiquitous Computing and Cellular Handsets—are menus the best way forward?”, in South African Computer Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 67-74.

Marsden, G., Gillary, P., Thimbleby, H. and Jones, M. (2002). “The Use of Algorithms in Interface Design”, in International Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 6(2), pp. 132-140.

Bause, F. and Kritzinger, P. (2002). Introduction to Stochastic Petri Net Theory. [2nd edition], Vieweg Verlag, Germany, in the series Advanced Studies in Computer Science, ISBN 3-528-05535-9.

Kritzinger, P. and Yavwa, Y. (2001). “Investigating cost effective communication systems alternatives in developing regions”, in The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC), Vol. 6, December 2001, ISSN 1681-4835.

Nirenstein, S. Blake, E., Winberg, S. and A. Mason. (2002) “Hierarchical level of detail optimisation for constant framerate rendering of radiosity scenes”, in South African Computer Journal}, Vol 29, pp. 32--40, December 2002. ISSN 1015-7999.

Marte, O. and Marais, P. (2002). “Model-based Segmentation of CT Images”, in South African Computer Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 54-59, ISSN 1015-7999.


Gain, J. & Dodgson, N. 2001. Preventing self-intersection under free-form deformation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 7(4) : 289-298.

Mason, E.W. & Blake, E. 2001. A graphical representation of the state spaces of hierarchical level of detail scene descriptions. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 7(1):70-75.


Blake, E., Casanueva, J. & Nunez, F. 2000. Presence as a means for understanding user behaviour in virtual environments. South African Computer Journal, 26:247-251. Special Issue on SAICSIT- 2000

Casanueva, J. & Blake, E. 2000. Small group collaboration and presence in a virtual environment. South African Computer Journal, 26:163-171. Special Issue on SAICSIT-2000 conference.

Jones, M., Marsden, G., Mohd-Nasir, N. & Boone, K. 2000. Improving web interaction in small screen displays. Computer Networks 31: 1129-1137. (Reprinted from Proc. 8th WWW conference).

Knottenbelt, W.J., Harrison, P.G., Mertern, M.A. & Kritzinger, P.S. 2000. A probabilistic dynamic technique for the distributed generation of very large state spaces: 39 : 127-148.

Marais, P. & Brady, J.M. 2000. Detecting the brain surface in sparse MRI using boundary models. Medical Image Analysis: 4(3): 283-302.

Marsden, G. & Thimbleby, H. 2000. Holistic programming environments. South African Computer Journal 26: 237-241.

Mason, E.W. & Blake, E. H. 2000. A graphical representation of the state spaces of hierarchical level of detail scene descriptions. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000. Accepted, June 2000.



Buchanan, G., Jones, M. and Marsden, G. (2002). “Exploring Small Screen Digital Library Access with the Greenstone Digital Library” Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Rome, Italy, September 2002, LNCS 2458, pp. 583-596, Springer.

Marsden, G., Cherry, R. and Haefele, A. (2002). “Small Screen Access to Digital Libraries of African Art,” Short Paper presentation, Extended Abstracts ACM CHI 2002, pp. 786-787.

Kritzinger, P. , Davies, I. and Knottenbelt, W. (2002). “Symbolic Methods for State Space Exploration of GSPN Models”, in Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Performance Evaluation, T. Field et al., London, Springer-Verlag, pp. 188-199, ISBN 3-540-43539.

Nirenstein, S., Blake, E. and Gain, J. (2002). “Exact From-Region Visibility Culling”, Rendering Techniques 2002: 13th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 26-28 June 2002, Pisa, ed. P. Debevec & S. Gibson, ACM Press, pp. 191-202. ISBN 1-58113-534-3.


Berman, S. &Voges, E. 2001. A spatiotemporal model as the basis for a persistent GIS. Persistent object systems: design, implementation and use, proc. the 9th international workshop on persistent object systems, 36 - 54, lecture notes in computer science 2135.

Blake, E., Steventon, L., Edge, Jacqlyn & Foster, A. 2001. A field computer for animal trackers. In CHI-SA 2001: 2nd South African Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. CHI-SA and ACM SIGCHI, 2001.

Blignaut,R., Venter, I., & Malan, K. 2001. The Mythical three-year degree: Computer Science at UWC and UCT.The 31st SACLA Conference : 33-38.

Buchanan, G., Farrant, S., Jones, M., Marsden, G., Pazzani, M. & Thimbleby, H. 2001. Improving mobile internet usability. Proceedings of 10th WWW Conference, ACM press : 673 - 680 .

Burford, D. & Blake, E. 2001. Real-time facial animation for virtual characters. In Karen Renaud, Paula Kotze, and Andries Barnard, editors, Proc Ann Conf SA Inst of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, SAICSIT, 2001 : 11 - 18.

Burford, D. and Blake, E. 2001. Face-to-face implies no interface. In CHI-SA 2001: 2nd South African Conference on Human-Computer Inter-action. CHI-SA and ACM SIGCHI, 2001.

Casanueva, J & Blake, E. 2001. The effects of avatars on co-presence in a collaborative virtual environment. In Karen Renaud, Paula Kotze, and Andries Barnard, editors, Proc Ann Conf SA Inst of Computer Scientists and In-formation Technologists, SAICSIT 2001 : 19 - 28.

Johns, C. & Blake, E. 2001. Cognitive maps in virtual environments: Facilitation of learning through the use of innate spatial abilities. In ACM Afrigraph 2001: 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Visualization in Africa. ACM 2001 : 125-129.

Lyness, C., Marte, O., Marais, P. & Wong, B. 2001. Low cost model reconstruction from image sequences. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Visualisation in Africa, AFRIGRAPH 2001: 131-135.

Lyness, C. & Blake, E. 2001. Real time isosurface browsing. In ACM Afrigraph 2001: 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Visualization in Africa. ACM, 2001 : 143-146.

Malan, K., Marsden, G. & Blake E. 2001. Visual query tools for uncertain spatio-temporal data. In proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia : 522 - 524.

Marsden, G. & Jones, M. 2001. Ubiquitous computing and cellular handsets - are menus the best way forward?. Proceedings SAICSIT 2001: 111-119.

Marsden, G., Malan, K., Hendricks, Z. & Tangkuampien, J. 2001. Interfaces to digital collections of african art. CHI-SA 2001:

Marsden, G., Cherry, R. & Haefele, A. 2001. Small screen access to digital libraries. CHI-SA 2001:

Marte, O., & Marais, P. 2001. Model-based Segmentation of CT Images. Proceedings of SAICSIT 2001: 96 - 101.

Nirenstein, S., Winberg, S., Mason, A. & Blake, E.2001. Hierarchical level of detail optimization for constant frame rate rendering of radiosity scenes. In Karen Renaud, Paula Kotze, and Andries Barnard, editors, Proc Ann Conf SA Inst of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, SAIC-SIT, 2001 : 147 - 155.

Nunez, D & Blake, E. 2001. Cognitive presence as a unified concept of virtual reality effectiveness. In ACM Afrigraph 2001: 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Visualization in Africa, ACM 2001: 115-118.

Southern, R., Perkins, S., Steyn, B., Muller, A., Marais, P. & Blake, E. 2001. A stateless client for progressive view-dependent transmission. In Web3D 2001 Symposium : 43 - 49.

Southern, R., Marais, P. & Blake, E. 2001. Generic memoryless polygonal simplification. In ACM Afrigraph 2001: 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Visualization in Africa, ACM 2001: 7 - 15.

Walton, M. & Marsden, G. 2001. Improving visual understanding of web browsers. CHI-SA 2001:

Wong, B. & Marsden, G. 2001. Effectively exploiting server log information for large scale web sites. SAICSIT 2001: 223 (adjunct electronic proceedings).


Azbel, I. & Berman, S. 2000. An epistemic model as the basis for a corporate memory. INAP 2000, 13TH international conference on applications of Prolog: 71-76. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 20-22 October.

Casanueva, J.& Blake, E. 2000. The effects of group collaboration on presence in a collaborative virtual environment. In Mulder, J.D. & Van Liere, R. (eds) Virtual Environments 2000, Springer Eurographics:pages 85-94. Vienna: 2000. Springer. Proceedings of the Sixth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments, June 1-2, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Johns, D., Nunez, F., Blake, E., Sellars, D. &.Daya, M. 2000. The interaction of immersive tendencies of individuals with the sensation of presence in a virtual environment. In Mulder, J.D. & Van Liere, R. (eds) Virtual Environments 2000, SpringerEurographics: 65-74. Vienna: Springer. Proceedings of the Sixth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments, June 1-2, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Nelte, M. & Hutchison, A.C.M. 2000. Enhancing the security of E-Commerce with fingerprint technology while preserving privacy. 4th International conference on security in information systems (SIS2000) Zurich, Swittzerland.

Nunez, F. & Blake, E. 2000. Vissh: A data visualization spreadsheet. In de Leeuw, W. & van Liere, R. (eds) Data Visualization 2000, Springer Eurographics: 209-218. Vienna: Springer. Proceedings Second Joint Eurographics-IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization, May 29-31, 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Saul, E. & Hutchison, A.C.M. 2000. A generic graphical specification environment for security protocol modeling. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on information security. Voges, E. & Berman, S. 2000. A spatiotemporal model as the basis for a persistent GIS. Ninth international workshop on persistent object systems: 26-36. Lillehammer, Norway.

Voges, E. & Berman, S. 2000. An object architecture for spattiotemporal systems. International workshop on emerging technologies for geo-based applications: 215-232. Ascona, Switzerland. Welz, M.G. & Hutchison, A.C.M. 2000. IDS/A: An interface between intrusion detection system and application. Presented at the third international workshop on the recent advances in intrusion detention. Toulouse.



Bhana, M., Gulab, G. Khabele, S., Tlhotse, M. and Berman, S. (2002). “Querying XML Documents on the Web”, WWW2002 – 4th Annual Conference on the World Wide Web, 4-6 September 2002, Cape Town.

Bhunu, S., Ruther, H. and Gain, J. (2002). “Three-dimensional Virtual Reality in Urban Management”, ISPRS Commission VI Workshop: Developments and Technology Transfer in Geomatics for Enviromental and Resource Management, 25-28 March 2002, pp. 201-204.

Hanslo, W., Lotter, C. and Berman, S. (2002). “Website Generation from Relational Databases”, WWW2002 – 4th Annual Conference on the World Wide Web, 4-6 September 2002, Cape Town.

Lewis, J. A., Tucker, W. D. and Blake, E. (2002). “Softbridge: An architecture for building is based bridges over the digital divide”, in Proceedings of South African Telecommunications and Networking Application Conference (SATNAC 2002), Champagne Sports Resort, Kwazulu-Natal, 1-4 September 2002, p. 18.

Marsden, G., Malan, K., Hendricks, Z. and Tangkuampien, J. (2002). “Using Digital Technology to Access and Store African Art”, Development Consortium Presentation and Poster ACM CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts, pp 528-529.

Walton, M., Marsden, G. and Vukovic1 V. (2002). “Visual Literacy as Challenge to the Internationalization of Interfaces: A study of South African student web users”, Development Consortium Presentation & Poster ACM CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts, pp 530-531.

Hugo, J., Marsden, G. & Walton, M. (2002) “CHI 2002 Development Consortium: A South African Perspective”, SIGCHI Bulletin (September/October), pp. 4 & 10.

Marsden, G. (2002) “Subverting Technology: Meeting User Needs in a Developing Economy”, SIGCHI Bulletin (March/April), p. 8.


Burford, D. & Blake, E. 2000. Real-time facial animation for avatars in collaborative virtual environments. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Casanueva, J. & Blake, E. 2000. Small group experiments in collaborative virtual environments. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Davies, I. & Kritzinger, P.S. 2000. On state space generation from concurrent communicating system models. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00) (CD ROM), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Jones, M., Buchanan, G., Marsden, G. & Thimbleby, H. 2000. User interfaces for mobile web devices. Position paper for W9 Mobile Workshop.

Marsden, G., Thimbleby, H., Jones, M. & Gillary, P. 2000. Successful user interface design from efficient computer algorithms. CHI 2000 Extended Abstracts: 181.

Nelte, M. & Hutchison, A.C.M. 2000. Investigating the viability of distributed fingerprint storage to Preserve privacy. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00) (CD ROM), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Saul, E. & Hutchison, A.C.M. 2000. Two environments which facilitate security protocol modelling and analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00) (CD ROM), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Saul, E. & Hutchison, A.C.M. 2000. A graphical environment for the facilitation of logic-based security protocol analysis. SAICSIT'00. November 2000. Cape Town, South Africa.

Shearman, A., Lifson, F., Gwena, T. & Kritzinger, P.S. 2000. Knowledge based error diagnosis in mobile networks. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and applications Conference (SATNAC'00) (CD ROM). September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Southern, R., Blake, E. & Marais, P. 2000. Gems: a generic implementation for memoryless polygonal simplification. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Thimbleby, H., Jones, M. & Marsden, G. 2000. Empowering consumers with usability certificates. Adjunct proceedings HCI2000, Sunderland, UK.

Walters. L. & Kritzinger, P.S. 2000. Traffic modelling for mobile communication networks. Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00) (CD ROM), September 2000, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Wong, B & Marsden, G. 2000. Using access information in the dynamic Visualisation of web sites. Proceedings SATNAC 2000 (CDROM).



Feng, Jinsong. Visualization of ATM Virtual Path Connection. (Edwin Blake) Johns, C. The spatial learning method: facilitation of learning through the use of cognitive mapping in virtual reality. (Edwin Blake)

Schulz, M. Garbage Collection of the Java Object Store. (Sonia Berman)

Southern, R. Quality Control Tools for Interactive Rendering of 3D Triangle Meshes. (Edwin Blake and Patrick Marais)

Williams, J. G. (coursework and dissertation) Extraction of Surface Texture Data from Low Quality Photographs to Aid the Construction of Virtual Reality Models of Archaeological Sites. (Edwin Blake) Distinction

Yang, S. Using Programming Tools in Virtual Environments. (Gary Marsden)


Azbel, I. 2001. Epistemology as the basis for a corporate memory model. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, J. 2001. Presence and co-presence of collaborative virtual environments. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Davies, I. 2001. Symbolic techniques for the performance analysis of gernalised stochastic petri nets. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Godfrey, A. 2001. Distributed shared memory for virtual environments. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Saul, E. 2001. Facilitating the modelling and automated analysis of cryptographic protocols. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Saal, O. 2001. Visualisation of ATM network connectivity and topology. MSc dissertation. University of Cape Town.

Voges, E. 2001. A framework for building spatiotemporal applications in java. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Yavwa, Y. 2001. Investigating cost effective communication alternatives for geographically hostile regions. MSc dissertation: University of Cape Town.


Mason, A. 2000. Predictive hierarchical level of detail optimisation: 1- Ph.D. thesis: University of Cape Town.

Nelte, M. 2000. Distributed authentication to preserve privacy through Smart Card based biometric matching: 1- 166. M.Sc. dissertation: University of Cape Town.

Nunez, F. 2000. An extended spreadsheet paradigm for data visualisation systems, and its implementation: 1- M.Sc. dissertation: University of Cape Town.



Marsden, G. 2000. My brilliant movie career. Mail & Guardian PC Review section. April 2000.

Saul, E. & Nelte, M. 2000. Cookies: Weaving the web into a state. ACM Crossroads student magazine.

Walters, L.O. & Kritzinger, P.S. 2000. Cellular networks: past, present and future. ACM Crossroads student magazine.



Davies, I. & Kritzinger, P. 2001. Symbolic methods for the performance analysis of GSPN's. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-31-00.

Douglas, R., Buntting, G., Kritzinger, P. & Houston, D. 2001. A generalised element manager. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-32-00.

Douglas, R., Templemore-Finlayson, J. & Kritzinger, P. 2001. Software distribution tool for an application layer multicast protocol. Technical report number: CS01-33-00.

Hendricks, Z., Malan, K. & Tangkuampien, J. 2001. Virtual galleries: Is 3D better?. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical Report number: CS01-13-00: 1-12.

Kritzinger, P. & Shearman, A. 2001. Knowledge based error diagnosis in GSM networks. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number CS01-29-00.

Marsden, G. 2001. Tutorial. Mobile Interaction. SAICSIT Conference 2001.

Marte, O. & Marais, P. 2001. Model-based segmentation of CT Images. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-12-00: 1-6.

Oberholster, G., Lewis, J., Blake, E. & Nirenstein, S. 2001. An aggressive parallel visibility processor. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-22-00 : 1-5.

Wong, B. & Marsden, G. 2001. Effectively exploiting server log information for large scale web sites. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-08-00: 1-5.

Wong, B. & Marsden, G. 2001. Visualising the web: why we should abandon graphs and trees. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-07-00: 1-10.

Yang, S. & Marsden, G. 2001. Using programming tools in virtual environments. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number: CS01-10-00:1-7.

Yavwa, Y. & Kritzinger, P. 2001. Cost effective communication systems alternatives in developing regions. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. Technical report number CS01-30-00.


Burford, D. & Blake, E. 2000. Real-time facial animation for avatars in collaborative virtual environments: 1-8. Technical Report CS00-16-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, J. & Blake, E. 2000. Presence in a distributed virtual environment: 1- 8. Technical Report CS00-04-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, J. & Blake, E. 2000. Presence and co-presence in collaborative virtual environments: 1-8. Technical Report CS00-06-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, J. & Blake, E. 2000. The effects of group collaboration on presence in a collaborative virtual environment: 1- 9. Technical Report CS00-07-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Casanueva, J. & Blake, E. 2000. Small group experiments in collaborative virtual environments: 1- 11. Technical Report CS00-17-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Daniels, M., Lee, P., Lo, Y. & Marsden, G. 2000. Gadget interface design and optimisation tool: 1- Technical Report CS00-21-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Davies, I. & Kritzinger, P. 2000. Symbolic methods for the performance analysis of state-transition systems: 1- 15. Technical Report CS00-01-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town

Feng, J. & Blake, E. 2000. Visualization of ATM virtual path connection networks: 1- 4. Technical Report CS00-19-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Green, P., Harley, R., Lousse, A. & Marais, P. 2000. Avian demography visualisation: 1-8. Technical Report CS00-20-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Hamza, S., Lesoana, M., Jones, N. & Blake, E. 2000. Virtual reality exposure therapy for needlephobia - does it invoke an anxiety response?: 1- 11. Technical Report CS00-24-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Hendricks, Z., Tangkuampien, J. & Malan, K. 2000. Virtual galleries: is 3D better?: 1- 8. Technical Report CS00-25-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Lawrence, T. & Kritzinger, P. 2000. Markov chain analysis using multi-terminal binary decision diagrams: 1-12. Technical Report CS00-27-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Muller, A., Perkins, S., Steyn, B., Southern, R. & Marais, P. 2000. View dependent refinement using progressive meshes: 1-11. Technical Report CS00-22-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Nakene, M., Lekala, M. & Linck, M. 2000. Requirements analysis for a web-based system for information about UCT's science degree programmes: 1- 9. Technical Report CS00-26-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Saal, O. & Blake, E. 2000. Visualisation of ATM network connectivity and topology: 1-11. Technical Report CS00-13-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Saal, O. & Blake, E. 2000. Engineering effective visual metaphors for ATM management applications: 1- 9. Technical Report CS00-14-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Saul, E. & Hutchison, A. 2000. Extensions to GNY logic to facilitate the analysis of security protocols containing digital signatures and certificates: 1- 20. Technical Report CS00-02-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Saul, E. & Hutchison, A. 2000. Generic graphical specification environment for security protocol modelling: 1-7. Technical Report CS00-03-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Shearman, A., Lifson, T. & Kritzinger, P. 2000. Knowledge based error diagnosis in mobile networks: 1- 12. Technical Report CS00-23-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Southern, R., Blake, E. & Marais, P. 2000. GeMS: Generic memoryless polygonal simplification: 1- 10. Technical Report CS00-10-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Southern, R., Marais, P.& Blake, E. 2000. Wavelets for multi-resolution analysis of triangular surface meshes: 1- 8. Technical Report CS00-11-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Southern, R., Steyn, B., Marais, P., Perkins, S., Muller, A. & Blake, E. 2000. A stateless client for progressive view-dependent transmission: 1- 13. Technical Report CS00-28-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Walters, L. & Kritzinger, P. 2000. Cellular networks: past, present and future: 1- 13. Technical Report CS00-04-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Wong, B. & Marsden, G. 2000. Perceptual refinement for hierarchial radiosity: 1- 11. Technical Report CS00-08-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Wong, B. & Marsden, G. 2000. An extension to optic flow analysis for the generation of computer animated images: 1- 8. Technical Report CS00-09-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

Wong, B. & Marsden, G. 2000. Using access information in the dynamic visualisation of web sites: 1 11. Technical Report CS00-18-00. Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.

last modified 2007-06-25 17:01