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CS Colloquia and Seminars and other talks

A listing of seminars and colloquia held in the UCT CS Department.

To give a research colloquium or industry seminar in the department, contact Michelle Kuttel

Colloquia 2016

Term 1 2016

  • 18th February 2016, Industry Seminar: "Seek and ye shall find" by Kyle Riley and Matt Marx of MWR InfoSecurity.

  • 25th February 2016, Research colloquium: "Defeasible Reasoning for Ontologies" by Prof. Tommie Meyer , UCT CS Department.

  • 3 March 2016, Research colloquium: "Probabilistic Morphable Models" by Thomas Vetter, head of the Graphics and Computer Vision Research Group at UNIBAS, Basel, Switzerland.
  • 7th March 2016, Research colloquium: "Agent based architectures for managing data, knowledge and system dynamism on the Sensor Web", by Deshen Moodley of University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • 17th March 2016, Industry seminar: UCT CS Industry Seminar "Open Data Kit" by Yaw Anokwa of Nafundi
  • 7th April 2016, Research colloquium: "Neural Machine Translation" by Alexandra Birch, University of Edinburgh

  • Colloquia 2015

    Term 1 2015

  • 5 February 2015, A new logic of natural relations by Dr Joop Leo, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 24 February 2015, Programming Languages and Parallel Computing for the SKA by Dr Peter Braam
  • 26 February 2015, Experience in Research and Development in rural Zambia and Zimbabwe by Gertjan van Stam
  • 5 March 2015, Logic for (Database) Systems Implementation by Assoc. Prof. David Toman, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo
  • 12 March 2015, Integration of Conceptual Data Modelling Languages by Associate Professor Pablo Fillottrani, Universidad Nacional del Sur at Bahia Blanca, Argentina and Researcher for the Commission of Scientific Research of the Buenos Aires Province.
  • 19 March 2015, Breaking Android by Kyle Riley and Tyrone Erasmus of MWR InfoSecurity.
  • Term 2 2015

  • 9 April 2015,"Impact of ICT on SMEs in Africa" by Michel Bézy, Associate Director of the new campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda.
  • 30 April 2015,"Meta-creativity and Physics-inspired Algorithm Design" by Prof Baghai-Wadji, Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town
  • 7 May 2015,"Mama Money - Send Money, Now Now" by David Glass, Electrum Payments (Pty) Ltd
  • 14 May 2015, "Developers Need to Broaden their Range" by Clinton Bosch of BSG.
  • Term 3 2015

  • 23rd July 2015,"A Mixed Methods Study of Users’ Mobile Data Usage Patterns in South Africa" by Marshini Chetty of the University of Maryland, U.S.A.
  • 12th August 2015,"What is IBM Bluemix™?" by Gerard Dumont of IBM South Africa
  • 18th August 2015," Model-Driven Engineering of Self-Adaptive Software " by Thomas Vogel of the Hasso Plattner Institute research school at the University of Potsdam
  • 25th August 2015," Incorporating Evolutionary Fitness into Design Science" by Prof. Grandon Gill of the University of South Florida
  • 27th August 2015,"Tuning Trombones and Smoothing Speedbumps: Why Internet Speeds in Africa are Slow, and What We Can Do About It " by Nick Feamster of the Computer Science Department, Princeton University
  • Term 4 2015

  • 10th September 2015,"Signal-Driven Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Robotics" by Olaf Witkowski of MTI Ltd in Tokyo
  • 17th September 2015, "Comparison of effectiveness of two mobile application designs for encouraging children to read." by Erin Versveld of UCT
  • 5th November 2015, "Buying and Selling Data" by Gottfried Vossen of ERCIS, University of Münster Germany and University of Waikato Management School, New Zealand
  • 12th November 2015, "Fund raising in Silicon Valley – tips and things to avoid" by Susan Mason, Managing Partner of Aligned Partners Venture Services, U.S.A
  • last modified 2016-03-21 10:32
    Contributors: Michelle Kuttel and speakers listed.