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Undergraduate Degree Structure (Information Technology Programme)_old

To obtain a BSc at UCT in the IT program requires that you study 9 courses. Four of the courses must be senior courses, one of which must be third-year course. In the IT Program there are 4 different fields. Within each field certain courses are specified while other courses are optional.


In this field the student only majors in Computer Science but is also required to do at least a 1/2 Maths2 course.

  • 1st year : CS1 + Maths1 + Stats & Applied Maths1 + Any other course
  • 2nd year : CS2 + 1/2 Maths2 + 1/2 Business course + 1 other course
  • 3rd year : CS3 + (1 other subject)


In this field a student MUST do 2 majors. The intention is that thestudent should be able to apply the Computer Science with the otherfield of study.

  • 1st year : CS1 + Maths1 + Any 2 other courses (X1 & Y1)
  • 2nd year : CS2 + 1/2 Maths2 + X2 + 1/2 other course
  • 3rd year : CS3 + X3

Psychology is a popular 2nd major. Many other 2nd majors are possible including: Maths, Financial Accounting, Applied Mathematics, Statistics or Physics, English. Other majors can be chosen as long as the timetable permits. This should be discussed with the Student Advisor.


For students interested in Electronics:

  • 1st year : CS1 + Maths1 + Physics1 + 1 other course
  • 2nd year : CS2 + A selected Electronics course + 1/2 Business course + 1/2 1st year course
  • 3rd year : CS3 + 1/2 A selected Electronics course + 1/2 senior course


This field is for students who wish to combine Computer Science with Information Systems and commercial subjects.

  • 1st year: CS1 + Maths1 + Accounts1 + Economics1
  • 2nd year: CS2 + Information Systems2 + 1/2 Business Course + 1/2 course
  • 3rd year: CS3 + Senior course(IS3 is possible) + 1/2 1st year course

Note: In all fields there is an additional Computer Science 3 half course available to students.

last modified 2007-06-25 15:08