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Rails Bridge: 9th April 2016 (UCT Shuttleworth lab)

In the spirit of encouraging women into tech; the Women in Computer Science student society hosted a full day workshop in partnership with Rails Bridge Cape Town.

There were about 20 attendees who produced their first Rails web application. Many students said that they wanted to either kick start or improve their existing programming knowledge and that they wanted to use what they learned for work. Many also said that they wanted to start building web apps. Fun was definitely had!

Excerpt from Rails Bridge Cape Town...

In a bit of a reprise of a previous RailsBridge, a small band of the RailsBridge teacher team headed out to the University of Cape Town to run the Intro to Rails course workshop for the Women in Computer Science group.

We had quite the full house! In total we had 20 people, including a handful of people from outside of UCT. We ran our usual mix of coding and activities, and sent out our classic warm-up question to all the attendees:

  • What are three things you already know about programming?
  • What do you plan to do with what you learn?

We had a wide range of responses to both questions. Students told us that they knew that there were many programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that you use to build web pages.

Many students said that they wanted to either kickstart or improve their existing programming knowledge and that they wanted to use what they learned for work. Many also said that they wanted to start building web apps.

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last modified 2016-04-29 12:24