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How to build my Web Page

Why do I need a Home Page?

…because it is your Internet contact card

How to setup my account to display my web page

Login to server using your Unix credentials

Change directory to your public_html folder - [username@nightmare] ~$ cd public_html

Create the index.html file

While you may create several Web pages, the index.html file will be your "landing page". This page will contain your primary information and links to other information that you may want to share.  Copy and save the following example html into your index.html file...

        <TITLE>Simple HTML Example</TITLE>
        <H1>HTML is Easy To Learn</H1>

        <P>The Internet contains a wealth of HTML learning resources.
        A simple search will yield the information you require.</P>

Making the index.html file to be readable

Assuming that you are using the command line...
View/List the content of the public_html directory - [username@nightmare] ~$ ls -lia
Change the index.html file to be world readable - [username@nightmare] ~$ chmod 644 index.html

Viewing your website in the browser

Browse to...<your_username>

Need help?

email help_AT_Computer_Science
last modified 2013-05-21 14:05