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Eclipse IDE optimisation

Some steps that will increase speed and responsiveness of the Eclipse IDE:

1. Remove unwanted activation of some of the plugins at start-up... windows-->preference-->General-->Startup and shutdown
uncheck any 'plug-ins activated on startup' that are not required

2. Disable Eclipse themes and animations... windows-->preference-->Appearance
uncheck 'Enable animations'
set Theme to Classic (least overhead)

3. Disabling the Eclipse spell checker will reduce the eclipse overhead... Windows-->Preference-->General-->Editors-->Text Editors-->Spelling
uncheck 'Enable spell checking'

4. When eclipse builds the project, it will delete all output folders and rebuild classes built by other compilers. Disabling this feature will increase responsiveness... Windows-->Preference-->Java-->Compiler-->Building
uncheck 'Scrub output folders when cleaning projects' under Output folder

5. Disabling label decorations to gain performance... Windows-->Preference-->General-->Appearance-->Label Decorations
uncheck all checkboxes

6. Disable Eclipse automatic building...Project-->Build Automatically
click to uncheck it

7. Limit the number of tabs opened in the editor. Open resources by using ctrl+shift+R and ctrl+shift+T

8. Allocate more memory to Eclipse on startup. Instead of clicking the Eclipse icon and inheriting the default memory allocation, type the following...
eclipse -vmargs -Xms512m -Xmx1024m

last modified 2013-09-19 08:21