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Congratulations to Phd Students on winning a Faculty for the Future Fellowship award

Congratulations to Phd Students: Catherine Chavula , Chao Mbogo and Fiona Ssozi in the Department of Computer Science. Each have been awarded a Faculty for the Future Fellowship award .

The fellowship is awarded to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue Doctoral or Post-Doctorate studies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines at leading universities worldwide.

The Faculty for the Future fellowship program is run by the Schlumberger Foundation, and its long-term goal is to have more women pursuing academic careers in STEM disciplines.

The award is given to candidates who have an excellent academic record and illustrate their commitment to teaching and research, or to using their scientific knowledge in public policy advocacy.

Catherine ChavulaChao MbogoFiona Ssozi

       Catherine Chavula                    Chao Mbogo                      Fiona Ssozi

last modified 2015-04-09 09:33