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HACKATHON CHALLENGE- Slice of Source has arrived!

We’re bringing the Game to you! Combining 18 hours of pizza and your impressive code, we bring you Slice of Source, a young developer’s paradise…

What Hackathon Competition
When 2015-07-31 05:00 to
2015-08-01 12:00
Where Senior Laboratory, Department of Computer Science
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We’re bringing the Game to you! Combining 18 hours of pizza and your impressive code, we bring you Slice of Source, a young developer’s paradise…

To recruit the right type of graduates we need to make sure that you are as passionate as we are about using technology to make, break, and learn! Instead of attending a Career Fair, handing out flyers, and telling you we’re cool, we have decided to share a bit of what we do at Derivco to show you we’re cool.

Do you think you have what it takes to develop a web-based game in 18 hours? We’ve got food; we’ve got coffee, and a stack of super cool prizes sponsored by Microsoft and Github! We’re challenging you to be innovative, bold and creative. Will you accept the challenge?

Spaces are limited! To find out more information about booking your place, please follow the link to sign up for Slice of Source at the University of Cape Town.

More information about this event…

last modified 2015-07-17 06:20