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Masters in Computer Science by Dissertation (CSC5000W)

In exceptional cases a student may be admitted to the MSc by dissertation only program with explicit approval of the Head of Department. In this case, the student must already have identified a supervisor who is willing and able to take them on as a student.

Please look at the list of academic staff and contact individuals in your area of interest. Please, only contact staff if you are interested in working in their research area. Blanket emails across the entire department are ignored and deleted.

Once you have identified a potential supervisor who is willing to supervise you, the supervisor will then have to write a letter of motivation to the Head of Department and cc the Postgraduate Coordinator (pgcoordinator at cs dot uct dot ac dot za) for conditional approval. If you completed an Honours degree in Computer Science at UCT between 2014 and 2017, the conditional approval will be automatic. If conditional approval is obtained, your supervisor has to confirm this via email to the Postgraduate Coordinator (pgcoordinator at cs dot uct dot ac dot za). You may then proceed with the application process.

Please note: Do NOT initiate the application process before following the steps mentioned above. Such applications will be declined.

The Application Process

Details about the application process can be found here:

Note that the Department only provides conditional approval. Final approval is obtained on Faculty level.

If the Faculty approves your application, you will be notified. You should then inform the Postgraduate Coordinator by email: pgcoordinator at cs dot uct dot ac dot za. Your email should include your student number (also known as your campus ID).

You may then proceed with registration.


Information about registration for new and returning postgraduate students can be found here.

last modified 2019-01-24 18:40