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MASTERS in Information Technology (MIT)


Applications for 2020 will open in July 2019, and will close towards the end of September 2019.

The MIT programme is a degree by coursework and research, using mainly self-study material for the coursework. There are no lectures. It is a two year conversion programme aimed at students without a degree in computer science or information technology/systems. The ideal candidate for this programme is someone who uses information technology in his or her job, but who has no formal university qualification in IT. A non-IT honours degree, or equivalent, is the minimum requirement for entry into the MIT degree.

Note: If any of your previous degrees are in computer science, the MIT degree is not for you. Please consult the postgraduate degree information on the Department's website for more options on postgraduate study in Computer Science at UCT.

The MIT programme comprises two components. The first is coursework (courses with assignments and exams), which can be done in a single year but is best done over two years (four modules per year) if you are a part-time student. The second component is a minor dissertation, done in the final year. Students do not need to be resident in Cape Town for this degree, as the coursework is online and all work is submitted online. However, students are expected to come to UCT for exams at the end of each semester.

Details about the topics covered in the coursework are available on the MIT website, and include Python Programming, Human-Computer Interaction, Database Systems, Cyberlaw and Ethics, Computer Networks, and Web Programming.

Past minor dissertation topics include: The Computer Science postgraduate handbook for 2019, to be made available later in 2018, will also contain more detailed information about the programme. Until the 2019 version is available, please have a look at the 2018 version, which can be found here.

The MIT degree is open to students with the equivalent of a South African Honours degree (SAQA level 8) who have NOT taken computing or IT subjects in their previous degrees. Level 8 SAQA is typically  attained after passing 4 years of university degree studies, and certainly never any fewer than 4 years of university degree studies.  There are no other specific requirements for applicants. In certain cases, applicants with only a 3-year degree at SAQA level 7 (but this excludes a BTech) can apply via the Recognition of Prior Learning (ROPL) route. But this is only possible if they can show that in the course of their work experience they have produced, on their own, a document similar to an IT Honours project. For more details about this, please see the "HOW TO APPLY" section below. If you have attained your degree outside of South Africa and do not know your SAQA level, you will need to seek SAQA certification of your degree.


Please note that instructions for applying to the department will be available in July 2019.

There are TWO applications to be completed:
  1. Apply on the University of Cape Town's central applications system.

  2. Apply separately to the Computer Science Department with a document containing the following information:
    • The MIT 2019 Application Form (docx version can be found here; PDF version can be found here);
    • An abbreviated curriculum vitae (at most one page);
    • A letter of motivation for conversion to IT (at most one page);
    • Full academic record, including all tertiary results (in English);
    • If you have a 3 year degree at SAQA level 7, and wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning, please provide an additional document (with Recognition of Prior Learning as the heading) in which you provide evidence that, in the course of your work experience, you have produced, on your own, a document similar to an IT Honours project.

    Collate this information in a single PDF document, and send the document to the MIT Coordinator (mit at cs dot uct dot ac dot za).
Note: A research proposal is NOT required until coursework is complete.


Applications for 2019 are now closed. Applications for 2020 will open in July 2019, and will close towards the end of September 2019.

Late applications, incomplete applications, and applications not conforming to the requirements set out above, will not be considered.


Fees for individual courses are listed in the fees handbook, published each year. Relevant courses include CSC5010Z - CSC5017Z (coursework year(s)), and CSC5004W (dissertation year).

Annual fee increases, international fees, and registration fees will also apply. Please consult directly with the Fees Office (fnd-feeenq at uct dot ac dot za) and/or the International office (iapo at uct dot ac dot za) for
any questions.


UCT has information on funding for postgraduate students. Please download the latest funding booklet. UCT may have internal funding for honours students, but it is only available to those who have applied to the NRF first.

Information about some other postgraduate scholarships can be found at: MIT students have in the past qualified for scholarships during their dissertation year.


  1. You do not need to have IT work experience to register for the Conversion Masters in Information Technology.
  2. Assignment submission is not a problem if you are outside Cape Town, as long as you have Internet access. You obtain all your assignment questions on the Internet and submit all your assignment solutions via the Internet as well. We have a Sakai tool for this which we also use for chat room and forum support of each other during the year.
  3. If you have a degree in Informatics or Information Systems you do not qualify for this degree, as this is a Conversion Masters. It is only available to people with a degree in a non-computing field.
  4. If your previous degree is a BSc or a BSc Hons or a BSc Eng, then you will obtain an MSc(IT) on successfully completing the degree.  Otherwise you will obtain an MPhil(IT).
  5. MIT students do not need to submit a research proposal as they must first complete the coursework before they can move on to the minor dissertation. For your dissertation work, we do not guarantee that you will be able to work on the topic of your choice. You will be expected to contribute to projects specified by our research staff. For more information please consult the staff web pages to learn more about their research and available topics.
  6. This is a non-resident course, and international students are not required to provide proof of insurance or a student visa.  All assignments and teaching material will be available online. You will, however, be required to be in Cape Town for examinations at the end of each semester.
  7. All students have access to university resources, including the library (both digital and brick) and computing labs.  Students may also elect to sit in on computer science courses.
  8. It is not possible to enrol in this course mid-year.
  9. We are unable to admit applicants without prior degrees or with BTech only, even if they are experienced IT professionals. In these cases we suggest pursuing a Bachelors in IT, IS or CS, or in some cases, a Postgraduate Diploma.  Please keep in mind that a PGDip in an IT-related field will disqualify you from this program.
last modified 2019-04-05 11:26