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Google Code Jam Open

(Posted on behalf of Google)

I am pleased to let you know that we have launched Google Code Jam 2008. Google Code Jam is an annual competition in which programmers are challenged to solve complex coding problems in a limited amount of time – using any programming language or tools.

If your students are the type that enjoy solving tough problems and grappling with technical challenges, then you may want to encourage them to enter Google Code Jam and compete for more than $80,000 in cash prizes!

We began offering Google Code Jam in 2003 – on a platform powered by TopCoder – in order to support competitive programming around the world. This year, for the first time, we're producing the contest on a homemade platform developed by Google's own developers.

Here's how it works: First, students will need to register from Tuesday, June 17 through Thursday, July 17. Then,they'll compete against global contestants in the online rounds during July and August. The Top 500 will advance to compete in one of our Google offices around the world in September/October for regional competitions. Finally, the Top 100 will compete in the coding showdown on November 14, 2008, at Google Headquarters in Mountain View, California.

To learn more details and to register, please visit:

We hope to see you at the Finals!


Google's Code Jam Team

last modified 2009-08-06 16:42