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UCT Wins SA Google Gadget Competition

(Excerpts from message from Google ...)

Congratulations! The gadget entries of UCT students Ronen Agranat and Josh Yudaken were chosen as the winning and runner-up gadgets of the 2008 Google South Africa Gadget Competition. The University of Cape Town therefore comes as clear winner for this year's Google South Africa gadget competition.

They have both demonstrated great creativity and care into developing good web applications that could shortly be used by thousands of people in South Africa and around the world.

The South Africa Gadget team was particularly impressed by Ronen's submission which reflects his technical skills, dedication and ability to come up with innovative, creative solutions.  The judges described Ronen's gadget as very well thought through. It looks very slick and has been implemented very nicely. Overall, a very impressive gadget!

Ronen's hard work won him the first prize of the competition -- a trip to Google's Engineering Hub in Zurich, Switzerland where he will meet our engineers and spend time discussing gadgets and things Googley.

Best wishes,

The South Africa Gadget Competition Team

last modified 2009-08-06 16:42