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Printing in the Honours Laboratory

Guide to setting up printing to printer honslaser in the Honours Laboratory.

Please email the Computer Science Helpdesk if assistance is required.


  • Administrative privileges on the local workstation or your computer is required in order to install and configure a new printer.
  • Computer Science Windows credentials are required to authenticate to the printing system.


Configure printing via Samba to the Windows print server


  • Open a Command Prompt window, eg. Window Key + R > then type CMD in the Open dialog field.
  • In the Command Prompt window, type "start \\\honslaser"
  • Type in your Microsoft Windows credentials in the ensuing authentication dialog, eg. cs\<username> and password
  • The installation will proceed with the automatic installation of the printer driver and the presentation of the connected printer
honslaser_01  honslaser_02  honslaser_03


  • Open any document, click on Print
  • Select the printer from the drop-down list, eg. honslaser
  • Print jobs will be submitted with the preset printer defaults, viz. duplex (double sided), economy (saves on toner)
last modified 2016-05-13 11:19