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Computer Science Merit Awards 2011

The department held its annual Merit Awards Ceremony on 1 September, where we acknowledged and celebrated the best among our students in the past year.

Top students in each class (approximately the top 5%) were given certificates of merit, while the students who scored the highest marks were presented with medals.

Every year, the department also acknowledges the student who has achieved in spite of the odds being stacked against him/her. This year's Achievement Award went to Zola Madolo.

In 2012, a new award was create to acknowledge student efforts to engage with the community beyond the classroom in the form of a Social Responsiveness Award. Marco Gallotta was the 2011 winner of this award for his numerous projects within student organisations, programming competitions and the promotion of Computer Science in high schools. He was also a nominee for the Computer Society of South Africa's ICT Personality of the Year.

Some of the prize winners are shown in the photograph below.


Back row: Timothy Trewartha (CS2 prize), Pierre Benz (Honours project prize), Nick Longley (Regional Head, BSG, donating the Top Student Awards), Anita Iles (General Manager, Entelect, donating the Achievement and Social Responsiveness Awards), Marco Gallotta.

Front row: Zwivhuya Tshitovha (CS3 prize), Nina Schiff (Honours and Honours project prizes), Zola Madolo

last modified 2011-12-05 14:55