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Vacancy: Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor

The Department of Computer Science seeks to appoint a Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor to start in 2012.

The successful candidate should have a PhD, or expect to obtain their PhD by 2012. Candidates applying for a position at Associate Professor level should show evidence of high quality academic work in teaching, postgraduate supervision and research. Applicants for a Senior Lecturer post should provide clear information about their research and any teaching experience.

We seek a candidate with proven academic experience in Computer Science who will be expected to develop and teach courses, carry out research, contribute to departmental administration and supervise postgraduate students in their area of specialisation. Our Honours degrees are accredited by the British Computer Society and we have a large cohort of MSc and PhD students. The Department hosts the UCT Centre in ICT for Development, and also specialises in telecommunications, visual computing, high-performance computing, digital libraries, artificial intelligence and security. Candidates whose fields are compatible with these research groups are encouraged to apply.

The annual remuneration packages, including benefits for 2011 are as follows:

  • Senior Lecturer: R544 188
  • Associate Professor: R622 712

Please e-mail the completed application form at, and all other relevant documentation as indicated on the form, to Ms Zulile Ncayiyana (Ref: SR137/11), Staff Recruitment and Selection, UCT, Cape Town by 22 August 2011.

E-mail:; Telephone: +27 21 650 3003; Department website: 

UCT is committed to the pursuit of excellence, diversity and redress. Our Employment Equity Policy is available at

last modified 2011-06-23 17:59